author: Running Press
Running Press
Desktop Boxing Knock Out Your Stress! | Mini-Kit
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Did you just get reamed out by your boss? Did Bob in accounting eat your sandwich out of the fridge again? Don't take your stress out on your coworkers--take it out on this mini punching bag! Desktop Boxing is the perfect desk accessory for inconspicuous yet effective stress relief, and everyone from 9-to-5ers to boxing fans will enjoy this fun distraction. The kit includes a mini desktop punching bag with suction cup base, two tiny boxing gloves for your pointer fingers, and a 32-page book with basic finger boxing moves and boxing trivia.
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Did you just get reamed out by your boss? Did Bob in accounting eat your sandwich out of the fridge again? Don't take your stress out on your coworkers--take it out on this mini punching bag! Desktop Boxing is the perfect desk accessory for inconspicuous yet effective stress relief, and everyone from 9-to-5ers to boxing fans will enjoy this fun distraction. The kit includes a mini desktop punching bag with suction cup base, two tiny boxing gloves for your pointer fingers, and a 32-page book with basic finger boxing moves and boxing trivia.
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