Adonit Note Black Stylus for iPad/iPad Pro
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- Compatible Models - iPad Pro (3rd Gen), iPad (6th Gen), iPad Air (3rd Gen) and iPad mini (5th Gen)
- Native Palm Rejection Technology
- No Bluetooth Connection - No pairing in App
- Power ON - Click the power button and ready to take notes
- iOS Versions - Updated to iOS 12. 2 or newer, and disconnect previously connected, such as Apple Pencil
- Rest your hand naturally on the screen like pen and paper
- Fast Charge - 4 minutes for 1 hour battery life
Dimensions: 21 x 6 x 3 cm
- Compatible Models - iPad Pro (3rd Gen), iPad (6th Gen), iPad Air (3rd Gen) and iPad mini (5th Gen)
- Native Palm Rejection Technology
- No Bluetooth Connection - No pairing in App
- Power ON - Click the power button and ready to take notes
- iOS Versions - Updated to iOS 12. 2 or newer, and disconnect previously connected, such as Apple Pencil
- Rest your hand naturally on the screen like pen and paper
- Fast Charge - 4 minutes for 1 hour battery life
Dimensions: 21 x 6 x 3 cm
Easy Payment Plans
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- Compatible Models - iPad Pro (3rd Gen), iPad (6th Gen), iPad Air (3rd Gen) and iPad mini (5th Gen)
- Native Palm Rejection Technology
- No Bluetooth Connection - No pairing in App
- Power ON - Click the power button and ready to take notes
- iOS Versions - Updated to iOS 12. 2 or newer, and disconnect previously connected, such as Apple Pencil
- Rest your hand naturally on the screen like pen and paper
- Fast Charge - 4 minutes for 1 hour battery life
Dimensions: 21 x 6 x 3 cm
- Compatible Models - iPad Pro (3rd Gen), iPad (6th Gen), iPad Air (3rd Gen) and iPad mini (5th Gen)
- Native Palm Rejection Technology
- No Bluetooth Connection - No pairing in App
- Power ON - Click the power button and ready to take notes
- iOS Versions - Updated to iOS 12. 2 or newer, and disconnect previously connected, such as Apple Pencil
- Rest your hand naturally on the screen like pen and paper
- Fast Charge - 4 minutes for 1 hour battery life
Dimensions: 21 x 6 x 3 cm
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