
Brand:  MEINL


Meinl Sonic Energy Tuning Fork Chakra Set - TF-SET-CHA-7 with Base Holder

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Planetary Tuned Tuning Forks

This Chakra Set includes 7 Meinl Sonic Energy Planetary Tuned Tuning Forks, one for each chakra.

The Meinl Sonic Energy Planetary Tuned Tuning Forks are manufactured in Germany according to Hans Cousto’s calculation (The Cosmic Octave). Each tuning fork is tuned exactly to the frequency of the respective celestial body in order to achieve a therapeutic effect.


Crown Chakra: Platonic Year (TF-E-PL)

Brow Chakra: Venus (TF-V)

Throat Chakra: Mercury (TF-ME)

Heart Chakra: Earth (TF-E)

Solar plexus Chakra: Sun (TF-S)

Sacral Chakra: Synodic Moon (TF-M-SY)

Root Chakra: Synodic Day (TF-E-SY)

Chakras originate from the Tantric traditions that developed in ancient India. They are focal points for meditation within the human body, which are visualized as structures of energy resembling discs or flowers located where the energy channels (also known as meridians) converge.

These energetic centers are located along the spine. They can be thought of as rapidly rotating wheels, which is why they are also called energy wheels.

If the flow of energy is interrupted or obstructed, it is called a blockage, which can reinforce feelings of anxiety and separateness. In order to remove these blockages, an attempt is made to stimulate the respective chakra using various therapeutic approaches.

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Planetary Tuned Tuning Forks

This Chakra Set includes 7 Meinl Sonic Energy Planetary Tuned Tuning Forks, one for each chakra.

The Meinl Sonic Energy Planetary Tuned Tuning Forks are manufactured in Germany according to Hans Cousto’s calculation (The Cosmic Octave). Each tuning fork is tuned exactly to the frequency of the respective celestial body in order to achieve a therapeutic effect.


Crown Chakra: Platonic Year (TF-E-PL)

Brow Chakra: Venus (TF-V)

Throat Chakra: Mercury (TF-ME)

Heart Chakra: Earth (TF-E)

Solar plexus Chakra: Sun (TF-S)

Sacral Chakra: Synodic Moon (TF-M-SY)

Root Chakra: Synodic Day (TF-E-SY)

Chakras originate from the Tantric traditions that developed in ancient India. They are focal points for meditation within the human body, which are visualized as structures of energy resembling discs or flowers located where the energy channels (also known as meridians) converge.

These energetic centers are located along the spine. They can be thought of as rapidly rotating wheels, which is why they are also called energy wheels.

If the flow of energy is interrupted or obstructed, it is called a blockage, which can reinforce feelings of anxiety and separateness. In order to remove these blockages, an attempt is made to stimulate the respective chakra using various therapeutic approaches.

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