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THAMES & HUDSON LTD UKWill Ai Replace Us? | Shelly FanBHD 2.5BHD 9.75
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETYInfinite Cosmos - Visions From The James Webb Space Telescope | Brian GreeneBHD 22.75
DORLING KINDERSLEY UKCosmos - Explore The Wonders Of The Universe | DKBHD 19.75
JOHN MURRAY PRESSGenesis - Artificial Intelligence - Hope - And The Human Spirit | Eric Schmidt, IIIBHD 12
BHD 18
OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESSSuperintelligence Paths Dangers Strategies | Nick BostromBHD 8.5
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHICTo Infinity And Beyond | Neil Degrasse TysonBHD 14.75
ABACUS UKCosmos | Sagan CarlBHD 8.5
DORLING KINDERSLEY UKThe Science of The Earth | Dorling KindersleyBHD 20.25
HARPERCOLLINS PUBLISHERSStarry Messenger | Neil deGrasse TysonBHD 7.75
ATLANTIC BOOKS UKExistential Physics | Sabine HossenfelderBHD 7
BALLANTINECosmos | Carl SaganBHD 8.5
BHD 7.5
SIMON & SCHUSTER UKYour Face Belongs To Us | Kashmir HillBHD 6.75
JOHN MURRAY UKWhat If 2 | Randall MunroeBHD 10.5
PRIDDY BOOKS UKThe Book of Phobias & Manias | Kate SummerscaleBHD 11.25
DORLING KINDERSLEY UKThe Biology Book | Dorling KindersleyBHD 14.5
MICHAEL O'MARABrain Power | Catherine De LangeBHD 11.5
DORLING KINDERSLEY UKSimply Economics | Dorling KindersleyBHD 8.25
BHD 7.5
DORLING KINDERSLEY UKThe Maths Book Big Ideas Simply Explained | Dorling KindersleyBHD 14.25
ST MARTINS PRESS USAMagicians of The Gods - The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth's Lost Civilization | Graham HancockBHD 2.5BHD 9.5
DORLING KINDERSLEY UKSimply The Brain | Dorling KindersleyBHD 6.75
MICHAEL O'MARAHarry | Danny WhiteBHD 5.9
BHD 1.75BHD 7.25
JOHN MURRAY UKBrief Answers To The Big Questions The Final Book From Stephen Hawking | Stephen HawkinsBHD 7.25
RANDOM HOUSE UKThe Body A Guide For Occupants | Bill BrysonBHD 7.25
DORLING KINDERSLEY UKSimply Quantum Physics | Dorling KindersleyBHD 6.75
WELBECK PUBLISHERSThree Things to Help Heal the Planet | Ana SantiBHD 2.25BHD 8.5
BHD 7.25
PAN MACMILLAN UKScary Smart | Mo GawdatBHD 2.5BHD 9.9
JOHN MURRAY UKHow To The Sunday Times Bestseller | Randall MunroeBHD 1.9BHD 7.5
BANTAM PRESS UKتاريخ موجز للزمن (A Brief History Of Time)BHD 5.5